Women to Control Chapter one My girlfriends and I have a most unusual relationship for most people. They are my sexual slaves. It happened not too long ago. In fact, they didn't know that I even existed a month ago. I decided that I had had enough of "normal" relationships, and that I wanted to be in control. Total control. I don't mean that they run around like zombies. It means simply that they will do anything that I ask. Anything, and anywhere, with me or with anyone that I choose. One of my favorite girls is Leslie, and I met her at Heidelberg College. She is strikingly beautiful, with long red hair and a fair complexion. Her body is well-proportioned due to the aerobic exercise and weightlifting that she does regularly. To see her naked is a dream. Her firm breasts have dark nipples which become hard at the lightest lick. Her red pubic hair is shaved close to facilitate bikini wear. She has luscious lips and a sensuous tongue that just loves cock. Her cunt is smooth and juicy at the right times. A month ago, I wanted to meet her. I was never good at meeting women, but I was good at science. After all, I was majoring in three subjects with a 3.8 average. With all those brains you'd think that I'd understand how to control women. I didn't then, but I do now. I had gone with several girls in high school and in col lege, but all they ever wanted from me was help in their school work. I was never appreciated for what I really was by any woman, until I learned how to control them. One day, about six weeks ago, a brainstorm came to me. I was studying the physics of sound at just below hearing level when I put together some things I learned in psychology class. There, I learned that sublinimal suggestions are very powerful. So powerful, in fact, that they are outlawed in advertising. I was tinkering with some sound equipment in the physics lab when I discovered a way to load "messages" onto music. It's not a new phenomenon, but the way that I did it was completely new and, so far as I know, undiscovered. I did it at the alpha brain wave level, and I learned a way to at tach my messages in a way that was completely undetectable. I also theorized that since I was introducing the "suggestions" at the alpha level they would be assimilated into the brain and be completely and irreversibly irresistible. So here I was, wanting to meet Leslie, and I had this new discovery. I thought about it, and decided to try to get her to meet me. I asked her friends what her favorite music was, and I made some cassette copies of them with my secret "sugges tions". My first one was that she would ask me out to her favorite restaurant on Friday evening after classes for a date. After that, she was to come to my off-campus apartment and listen to some music that I had for her. During all this time, she was to enjoy herself with me and be completely at ease. I also "asked" her to go into my bedroom, stand in front of the mirror and strip completely naked, then put on all her clothed minus her panties and bra. She was to forget that she did this, and not think about her missing clothes when she got ready for bed later in the evening. She was to do this when the Heidelberg clock tower struck twelve midnight. I played the tape over the cafeteria intercom, and since music was routinely played at mealtime I wasn't doing any- thing unusual. I figured that I had nothing to lose. If it didn't work, we wouldn't meet because I would never be able to work up the nerve to ask her out. If it did, I had every thing to gain, and then some. Leslie was there, and acted completely normal during my tape. I lost all hope of her ever meeting me when she didn't come to me after the tape was over. I started to walk over to the door of the cafeteria when she startled me by her pres ence. "Tom, I know this may sound forward to you, but will you go out with me this Friday? I would like to show you a good time. Please say that you will." she said with practiced ease. "Wh-where w-ould you like to go, L-Leslie?" I stammered almost in disbelief. "To the Pioneer Mill. They have pretty good food there, and I want to get to know you better. How about six o'clock, after classes. Meet me at my dorm room." She said, completely oblivious to by secret delight. "Six o'clock, then." I said with less nervousness. Six o'clock on Friday seemed like an eternity away that week. It came, and she looked stunning, even she was only wearing a new pair of jeans and a loosely-fitting blouse. I couldn't help noticing that I could see through it to her lacy bra underneath, and I fantasized what I would see when the College clock chimed twelve. We had a wonderful time. She talked about herself a lot, and I learned much about her. She also put me at ease by her natural way of treating me, and had I not arranged the date myself, I wouldn't have believed it. We went to my apartment, at her suggestion, to listen to some music. I played some more of my special music that I had made in anticipation to her being at my apartment. When the clock struck twelve, she said "excuse me," and walked into my bedroom. She closed the door behind her and I could hear the faint sound of her unzipping her pants. About two minutes later she came out and acted completely normal, as if nothing happened. In reality, to me everything happened. Here was this magnificently beautiful women obeying every message on my tape as if it were second nature. I couldn't help but no tice her perfectly formed breasts underneath her almost sheer blouse. My sexual excitement was completely aroused. I couldn't wait for her to leave for the evening. I knew that she would be returning in the morning because of my special "messages" on my music that evening. She soon asked to leave, and after I took her home I viewed her "strip act" on my VCR. I knew that if she followed the other "messages" on the tape, I was in for the day of my life.